Monday, January 9, 2012

Oreo. Milk's Favorite Cookie!

One of my absolute favorite store-bought cookies is the Oreo.  I love the chocolaty cookie flavor mixed with the sweet flavor of the cream center.  There are many ways to eat an Oreo, you can just bite right into it or you can take the top off and lick off the cream before devouring the two cookie pieces, or even dip it in a tall glass of milk.  My favorite way to eat the Oreo cookie is to put into ice cream to make a delicious frozen ice cream and cookie treat.
   The Oreo was created by the National Biscuit company, or Nabisco in 1912.  It originally came in two flavors; cream (like what is sold today) and lemon meringue. The cookies looked similar to the ones sold today but had a different design on the top of the cookie. In the United States, the Oreos were first sold for 25 cents a pound in novelty cans. Cream was the most popular flavor and lemon meringue was discontinued in the 1920s. The Oreo that we know today with the Nabisco logo on it was created in 1952. 
    But how did this cookie get the name of "Oreo"? There are a couple theories to answer this question but it is not exactly known for sure.  Some of the Nabisco workers think it could of comrefrom the French word for gold which is "or" because gold was one of the main colors on the package.  Some believe that the name came from a hill-shaped version of the cookie because the greek word for mountain is "oreo".  Another theory is that the name came from taking the "re" out of cream and the two "o's" from chocolate and by putting the "re" in between the two "o's" creating the name Oreo.  Still, others just feel that the name was short and easy to pronounce and therefore that is why it was chosen.
   Over 362 billion Oreos have been sold since they were first created and they became the best selling cookie of the 20th century.  In 1975 Nabisco introduced the double-stuf oreo, in 1982 they introduced fudge covered oreos, in 1991 Halloween oreos were released, and in 1995 Christmas oreos were created.
   Oreos are a delicious cookie that continue to come in many new flavors such as: strawberry milkshake, mint, Oreo DQ Blizzard, and even heads and tails (chocolate and vanilla cookie with cream filling). 

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