M&Ms are a great type of candy to snack on. They satisfy that chocolate craving and the candy shell coating even adds a little crunch. They are even fun to look at since they come in a variety of colors. M&Ms are great by themselves, but they also make a great addition to an ice cream treat, cookies, and trail mix. I did a little bit of research and i found out more about this wonderful candy.
M&Ms are made by the Mars Candy Company and were introduced during World War II for the troops to snack on without having melted chocolate all over their hands. The name is an abbreviation of the two creators names; Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie. The candy originally came in cylinder shaped tubes and then in 1948 the company began packaging M&M's in the brown bags that are still used today. In 1950 the company began printing the famous "M" on each of the candies. At that time each bag of M&M's only cost 5 cents. 1954 was a big year for M&M's. Mars introduced peanut M&M's for the very first time, the slogan "melts in your mouth, not in your hands" was created and the M&M characters made there first appearance on television. In 1960 you could get these delicious candies in red, yellow, and green and then orange was added in 1976. In 1995 people got to vote on a new color to be added and blue was the big winner. They did another vote again in 2002 and purple was added to the mix. Today you can get M&M's in virtually any color, but the bags still come in the original red, yellow, green, orange, brown, and blue. They also offer seasonal bags that come in colors for Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. In 1980 the M&M started to be sold internationally to the countries of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the UK, Malaysia, Spain, and Switzerland. M&M's have reached many milestones and even went into space in 1982 and are now on every shuttle mission. They also became the offical snack food of the 1984 Olympics. In 1997 the famous green M&M character appeared on tv and also during this year M&M World opened in Las Vegas, Nevada. Another huge milestone for the M&M's occured in 1998 when M&Ms were named the official candy of the new millennium.
In 1999 when Crispy M&Ms are intorduced the orange M&M tv character makes his first appearance.M&Ms have been a very successful candy that continue to be a popular treat. They now come in many flavors including flavors like peanut butter, almond, pretzel, and even candy corn. You can also order almost any color of M&Ms online and have them personalized with pictures and messages.
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