Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cat of the week: The Munchkin

    The Munchkin cat was named after the characters in The Wizard of Oz due to having similar characteristics to those characters.  These cats are medium sized, weighing between eight and ten pounds.  They are round with well developed muscles, but are not bulky.  They have thick tails that they proudly hold up while walking and big, wide spaced, round eyes.  Their heads are triangular in shape with rounded features. What these cats are most notable for and named for though are there legs.  A munchkin has very short legs and are often compared to a dashund.  This was caused by a spontaneous mutation in a dominant gene.  These cats also have strong and round paws. There average life span is 9+ years.  The Munchkin can have either short or long hair and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns including black, white, gray, and orange.
    The munchkin was only recently discovered, but sightings of a short legged cat have gone back all the way before World War 2. in 1983 this breed was discovered in Louisiana by a woman named Sandra Hochenedel who was looking for a family pet.
    The munchkin would make a great family pet.  They are playful and cuddly and often keep a "kitten-like" personality.  They do great with kids and other pets.  They are friendly and adventurous and are fun to have around.  They are very gentle and affectionate and love to be their owners friend.  These cats love to play and some even learn to play fetch!  Others can even be trained to walk on a leash.  Although they have short legs, this trait sure doesn't hold them back.  They can run at high speeds, climb, and some can even jump onto counters, although some can't jump as high.  These cats do not require a lot of grooming, just the occasional brushing to keep their fur from forming mats and to get out loose hair.  The Munchkin has a very easygoing personality and would be a great addition to any household.

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