Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Breed Of The Week: Pug

    Of course I would start my blog with talking about the pug.  I will say right now that I am biased because I have a pug named Eva that I absolutely adore, but I still think that I can help you fall in love with the pug too.
      Pugs are small dogs, about 18-22 pounds, with stout bodies and a pushed in face. They have a bunch of wrinkles, a curly tail, and come in the colors of fawn, silver, or black.  They often snort, snot, sneeze, snore, and make other funny noises.  Don't they just sound adorable!  At my house we always say that the pug fell from Heaven, they just tripped on the way down.
     The origin of the pug isn't completely known but they are thought to have originated in China.  They eventually arrived in Europe in the 1500's. Even some faomus people in history owned pugs.  An example would be Josephine, Napoleon's wife. She owned a pug named Fortune that carried secret messages to Napoleon under his collar.  The pug also became a fashion statement in Europe during the 20th century.  The pug was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1885.
    The Pug is a great companion and is definately a family dog.  They love to always be with you.   My pug will follow me around where ever I go.  They also love to cuddle, play, go on walks, and EAT!!!  Pugs will eat just about anything  (Ice cream and mac n cheese are two favorites of my pug)  and they will eat whenever food is given to them.  That being said you do have to watch their weight because of their love of food. It's not super hard to do, just make sure to take them on plenty walks and if they start to get plump cut back on their treats a little or give them healthier ones.
  My pug loves to be outside and she gets real excited when we take her on walks.  Exercise is great for pugs but just be careful about the temperature.  Due to a pugs smashed face they have a shorter airway and can over heat very easily and very fast! If it is hot out make sure to have plenty of water available and to keep your outdoor time short.
  The pugs main goal is to please.  They will always make you laugh and cheer you up when you need it. They are happy when your happy.  So if you think that a pug is the dog for you be ready to laugh, love, and make a new best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Awwh! This is so cute. I can't wait to see next months, you better do it on my puppykins! Hint Hint :)
